Open Call for SMEs to develop solutions in Security and Cybersecurity domains

SecurIT, a project funded by Horizon 2020, has opened a call to select up to 21 projects of SMEs aiming to develop new prototypes or demonstrators in the Security and Cybersecurity domains.

SecurIT offers 2 types of instruments:

Prototyping Instrument

  • Funding: up to EUR 74.000
  • Project scope: development of prototyping solutions for end-users or/and cybersecurity integrators at the MVP stage at least.
  • Under this instrument SecurIT will support the translation of the plan into a prototype

Demonstration Instrument

  • Funding: up to EUR 88.000
  • Project scope: demonstration of new apps solutions in cybersecurity and digital applications applied to security solutions ready to piloting at large scale in the short-term.
  • Under this instrument, SecurIT will support the piloting and validation of the solution

Projects must be submitted by the consortia of at least 2 SMEs, with at least one of the SMEs should be a technology/IT solution provider.


  • up to EUR 74.000 per 1 prototype project
  • up to EUR 88.000 per 1 demonstration project
  • maximum €60.000 per SME

For more information on call and the SecurIT challenges, please use the following link.

The deadline to apply is 14 March 2023, 17:00 CET

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Cefriel, ICT Center of Excellence for Research, Innovation, Education and industrial Labs partnerships, is a non-profit Digital Innovation and Design Shop based in Milan, with offices in Rome and Bruxelles. Since its inception in 1988, Cefriel's mission has been to help companies grow by exploiting digital technologies to create or reinvent their processes, products, and services, strengthening existing ties between the academic and business worlds. Through a multidisciplinary approach that innovates products and services with ICT and Design, Cefriel's distinctive operative model creates innovative solutions based on customer requirements and integrates the most recent scientific research results, the best technologies available on the market, and the reality of business processes. It is a not-for-profit (and an SME) whose real dividend is the impact on the economy, society and the territory and the creation and promotion of new professionalism and skills.
Cefriel research on cybersecurity focuses on two topics that are of interest for this call. 1) rethinking cybersecurity from the human element point of view. Putting the human element at the centre of cybersecurity is a fundamental switch that forces many changes in cybersecurity. Hence, how to tackle the human aspects of cybersecurity? While 95% of cybersecurity breaches result from human errors (WEF/IBM). These risks are faced with less than 5% of the Organisations’ IT security budget. 2) sustainability of cybersecurity. Cybersecurity is a process that consumes precious and limited resources (skills shortage, economics, data, sustainable technologies, etc.). This is a problem for SMEs which must constantly balance between staying secure and spending less (not only in terms of budgets but also competencies, skills etc.). Hence, what does it mean to afford cybersecurity sustainably?
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Dr. Zornic Elvis Dipl. Eng. Mechanicals EEMBA Energy Electricity Market Private Company US Author Law Firm
The professional stsrtap company in Germany Hub ILA Berlin
Yes is Cyber Securty pilot project
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Lupovis provides deception as a service, inside and outside your network. Leading to 0 to low false positive detection, contextual threat intelligence, and high-fidelity alerts. Our combination of active defense and offensive countermeasure strategies reduce the effects of high-impact breaches, like ransomware, and advanced persistent threats. We also have a large network of deceptive assets organized by sectorial clusters listening to the noise of the internet allowing us to have a global picture of cybercrime events.
Lupovis spun out of the University of Strathclyde and both co-founders have experience running research projects, from SMART awards to multi-million pounds H2020 and H.Europe projects. We are looking for partners in the zero-trust arena or in vulnerability and asset management.
United Kingdom
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Novareckon: for years alongside companies, public bodies, international and national research centers, non-profit organizations and also involved in projects that start thanks to citizens: every time, in which, research and development are themes of challenge and innovation is the launch plan towards growth. For years we have been protagonists of managing change and enhancing the wealth of knowledge of those who turn to us and entrust us. Because innovation is the heart of our ecosystem and it is the vision of our service’s horizon.
We are looking for a non-Italian SME willing to join a proposal for the SecurIT open call ( The proposal is aimed at interfacing a natural language processor with a theorem prover, so as to prove that a product specification is consistent with a given requirement, where both the description and the requirement are expressed in natural language. We have developed a prototype, which is brittle due to inadequacy of the nlp tool. This should be remade using a market processor like TextRazor or an off-the-shelf package like Stanford nlp. The call closes next March 14.
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