Digital skills are crucial for employability. A growing number of workers need either to re-skill or up-skill to keep pace with tech advancements needs and job requirements.

DIGITAL SME contributes to digital skills leadership by promoting policy with SMEs’ interests at the core. Through dedicated working groups, projects, events, and policy papers, DIGITAL SME raises awareness for SME-centred skills policy.

Working alongside the European institutions to push forward this agenda, DIGITAL SME is directly involved in the Pact for Skills, as coordinator of the Large-Scale Partnership for the Digital Ecosystem, and in the management of the Digital Skills and Jobs Platform, ensuring open access to a wide range of information and resources related to digital skills and jobs.

The Large Scale Partnership for the digital ecosystem (digital-LSP) is the Pact for Skills initiative that brings together all stakeholders committed to equipping the European workforce with the digital skills required by the EU Digital Decade Targets. The initiative:
  1. Maximises the impact of investing in up- and reskilling
  2. Creates synergies and collaboration among members
  3. Boosts the digitalisation of the Single Market
  4. Offers fund and EU-Projects Matchmaking options


Working Group Skills

The community of DIGITAL SME members fostering digital skills development in Europe and beyond. The main activities are:

  • Discussing relevant policies
  • Developing policy positions
  • Presenting relevant funding opportunities
  • Collecting and exchanging best practices

Services and tools on Digital Skills for SMEs

Home of digital skills and jobs initiatives in Europe and the heart of the Digital Skills and Jobs Community.

The Platform contributes to the DIGITAL Europe Programme – an ambitious EU programme that strives to make Europe more competitive in the global digital economy through digital capacity-building and ensuring a wide use of digital technologies across the EU.

It co-creates an agenda of skills to be shared with and among capacity-building providers, namely universities and VET centres, and local/regional relevant networks.

This set of skills benefits from digitally- and AI-enhanced learning and aligns with the European guidelines, platforms, and alliances, such as

ARISA Alliance fast-tracks the re-skilling and up-skilling of employees, job-seekers, business leaders, and policy-makers in AI-related professions to open Europe to new business opportunities. It focuses on current and emerging professional roles across four occupational domains — business leaders, technology leaders, technology practitioners, and policymakers.

SMEs can join the ARISA Alliance as Associated Partners to gain access to a vibrant network that fosters knowledge exchange, collaboration, and the collective pursuit of excellence in AI skills development.

As a Sector Skills Alliance, CHAISE addresses the growing demand for blockchain and distributed ledger technologies (DLTs) skills in Europe.

It will deliver future-proof training solutions to tackle blockchain skill shortages and to respond to the current and future skill needs of the European Blockchain workforce.

The project:

  • Fills the skills gap of technicians and engineers designing, developing, and operating Smart Cities infrastructures and services
  • UpgradeS the accessibility of Smart Cities professionals to high quality training materials by adjusting proper educational tools and developing profession-specific learning resources
  • Unifies the appropriate learning outcomes of Smart Cities technicians and engineers and thus improve their mobility throughout EU countries