Call for essays on ICT Standardisation

This essay competition on ICT standardisation aims at stimulating interest in standards-related topics and careers.

Through the first call, DIGITAL SME is seeking essays analysing one of the following topics:

  • To what extent has ICT standardisation become a strategic priority for the European Union at global level?
    Essays may provide, among others, a comprehensive analysis of the current situation in the European Union, the strategic policy role played by the ICT standards at both European and International level and the role of both SDOs and ESOs.
  • ICT standardisation in the European Union: new perspectives and priorities for the next five years.
    Essays may provide, among others, a comprehensive analysis the standardisation gaps and needs in a specific ICT field as identified by the EU Rolling Plan for ICT standardisation, one or more use case(s) showcasing a concrete example of application of ICT standards and one or more proposal(s) for the next European mandate.

Full terms and conditions can be found at the following link

Submit your essay by 15 October 2024