Focus Group AI Monthly Meeting 15 June

At the next Focus Group AI meeting on 15 June (16:00 CEST), we gave SMEs an update on AI Standardisation. The overall topic was “AI & Standards Updates on AI standards & how SMEs can get involved.”

A discussion on the updates on the state of AI & Standards from their perspectives with a general overview of the activities in CEN-CENELEC, ETSI, and IEEE, and information about training activities & guidance for active SMEs participation.


16.00 – 16.05 Welcome & Introduction

Dr. Xenia Ziouvelou and Dr. Omar Dhaher

16.05 – 17:15 AI & Standards – Updates on AI standards & how SMEs can get involved

  • Regulatory overview & related standards: How can SMEs participate in AI standardisation activities?, Alpesh Shah, IEEE.
  • Updates on standardisation activities for the AI ACT, Lindsay Frost, ETSI (TBC) & Sebastian Hallensleben, CEN-CENELEC

Followed by a discussion

17.15 – 17.25 Presentation of Open Letter AI Act
17.25 – 17. 30 AOB & Closure of the meeting