Openapi is a API provider that allows you to access official services and in all Europe data from Post Office, Chamber of Commerce, Revenue Agency, Public Motor Vehicle Register, National Insurance Institute, InfoCert, Aruba and many others through the same platform and a single credit. You will be able to find services to be integrated such as Postal Services, Chamber of Commerce and Cadastral Services, Data Enrichment Services, Property Valuations and Purchases, Address and Postcode Normalisation, People and Companies Reports, Digital Identity, Time Stamps, Digital Signatures, Electronic Invoices, Companies Database, Certified E-mail, SMS Gateway. Openapi's API platform is based on a cloud-based microservice, thanks to which you can simplify the development process securely and accelerate the digital transformation processes of your company.
City / Region where the solution was deployed
Worldwide solution API service
We are looking for IT companies that offer integration services for our customer base and that are certified with Openapi to validate their ability and competence to integrate APIs.