PIN-SME welcomes Angela Merkel’s call for digitisation of Europe’s economy
In her keynote speech during the conference Digitising Europe on December the 4th in Berlin Chancellor Angela Merkel called members states for an increased support and tax benefits for start-ups. The Chancellor recognised the significance of tax benefits for the digital economy in Germany as a central aspect for economic growth. Bo Sejer Frandsen, President of the European Federation of ICT-SMEs (PIN-SME) said « It is important to consider not only the formation of start-ups but to implement the Digital Single Market and provide small and medium sized ICT enterprises with access to growth capital. »
The Chancellor pointed out that Germany and Europe both have high hopes for Industry 4.0 – the fourth industrial revolution, driven by the Internet – to help boost the struggling economy. Mr Frandsen explained: « Small and medium sized ICT enterprises are Europe’s asset that can drive the digital revolution. If we want Europe’s industry to become leader in the digitized economy, then we must invest in those companies that can lead the revolution. »