Untapped Potential: Women in Cybersecurity (DIGITAL SME Live Conversation)

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Cybersecurity is the base-layer of digitalisation. Without it, all efforts of digitally transforming the economy are built on a weak foundation.

Currently, a critical shortage of cybersecurity experts is putting Europe’s companies at risk. Experts are estimating that at least 200,000 IT security professionals are missing in Europe. At the same time, women only make up as little as 20% of the IT security workforce—even though the sector boasts above-average wages and solid job security. What are the reasons for this imbalance, and how do we correct it in the future?

The DIGITAL SME Live conversation “Untapped Potential: Women in Cybersecurity” on 8 June at 14.00 CEST brings together two veterans in the field to shed light on the issue. Nina Hasratyan is Policy Manager at the European Cyber Security Organisation (ECSO) and Operational Coordinator of the Women4Cyber Foundation. Gordon Kirstein is the founder and CEO of movetech IT solutions and the co-founder of the IT-Security Girls initiative which aims to familiarise middle-school girls in Germany with Cybersecurity and promote it as a job prospect in the future.

Throughout history, women missing in key industries has always caused problems. At a time when digital literacy is more needed than ever, their untapped potential becomes a crucial silver lining for Europe’s digital skills situation. Tune in on Monday for an exciting conversation—and to learn how you can help to bridge the gender gap in IT security!


Nina Hasratyan; Women4Cyber / ECSO

Gordon Kirstein, MoveTech / IT-Security Girls initiative


  • Justina Bieliauskaite, Senior Project Manager at DIGITAL SME

Tune in on Monday 8 June, 14.00 CEST by clicking on the icons below!