EVENT: ‘Energy flexibility in buildings’ – Barcelona, 26 March 2017
How are public and private sectors shaping the future of the energy system? International experts gather in Barcelona on 26 March to discuss the state of art and future developments in this field a workshop ‘Energy flexibility in buildings: a key asset in the future energy system‘.
The workshop will be a great opportunity to get to know about the role that buildings and electrical vehicles can play to ensure energy flexibility in future energy systems with a high share of renewables.
Cristina Corchero, from IREC -the Catalonian Institut for Energy Research- will present concrete solutions to be delivered by the SABINA project. The uniqueness of the SABINA solution lies also in the novelty of its business model that will address innovative companies in the energy sector to enhance the use of heat pumps and serve as heating suppliers, developing flexibility aggregators for energy trading and balancing services.
IREC organises the event in collaboration with the European DIGITAL SME Alliance and other partners.
More information is available here.
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