Focus Group FAIR event: Fair and contestable digital markets for SMEs
Digital SMEs and start-ups develop innovative solutions that could challenge and threaten the dominance of tech giants. Innovators are, however, concerned that incumbents may use illegal and anticompetitive practices to consolidate their dominant position.
To achieve a fair and inclusive digital transition, the EU and the Member States must strive for fair and contestable markets, using all means at their disposal. This includes antitrust laws and regulation in the form of the Digital Markets Act. EU policymakers must ensure the strict enforcement of the new rules, in close consultation with business users and SMEs.
Furthermore, EU policymakers must consider the emerging monopoly power of tech giants in new markets, such as in AI. The European Commission has recently published a consultation on competition issues in AI and is considering an investigation into the Microsoft-OpenAI partnership and its implications for the AI market.
To discuss the issue of achieving fair and contestable markets for SMEs, the Focus Group FAIR convened a discussion between the community of digital SMEs, policymakers, and distinguished experts.
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Welcoming remarks
- Vittorio Bertola, Chair, Focus Group FAIR
- Antonio Grasso, Public Affairs Director, European DIGITAL SME Alliance
Towards successful enforcement of the Digital Markets Act
- Denis Sparas, Deputy Head of Unit at DG CNECT, European Commission
- Jurgita Misevičiutė, Public Policy Lead, Proton
- Jos Poortvliet, Co-Founder, Nextcloud
- Johnny Ryan, Director for Enforce, Irish Council for Civil Liberties
Competition and concentration in the EU’s AI market
- Max Von Thun, Europe Director, Open Markets Institute
- Udbhav Tiwari, Head of Global Product Policy, Mozilla
- Cornelia Kutterer, Senior Researcher at MIAI, University of Grenoble Alpes
Open discussion
Closing remarks
Vittorio Bertola, Chair of FG FAIR
The event was moderated by Giorgos Verdi, Policy Advisor, European DIGITAL SME Alliance.