Gatelink Ltd. is a Bulgarian IT company that specializes in design, development and provision of complex state-of-the art IT solutions related to cybersecurity, cyber defence, information protection.
Crypthor is an all range software system developed on a modular basis that allows establishment of strong security work environments and infrastructure, along with securitization of the open communication channels. Crypthor is a solutions that unites in it a wide set of software modules related to a wide set of everyday business activities, system administration operations and security activities. Crypthor is designed in such a way that allow us to consider that communication protocols and channels are compromised as a result of a complex APT, but the organization/company information resources, data arrays, etc. are secure and safe by the application of strong security mechanisms. Crypthor is a solutions that unites some of the leading principles that lay in the fundamentals of AI and ML and combined with some cutting edge solutions designed by our engineers allow the system to be completely autonomous.
City / Region where the solution was deployed
We are seeking partnerships with like-minded companies and organizations, also with companies working in the fields of cybersecurity, information protection, big data processing, etc. We are open to work with clients in the financial and banking sector, telecommunications, logistics, automotive, energy, utilities, etc.
Business without borders: ICT matchmaking event
June 24, 2021