Rolling Plan for ICT Standardisation 2023: Bridging EU policies and ICT standardisation

  • The Rolling Plan for ICT Standardisation 2023 is published with some structural changes, including two new chapters focusing on novel technologies in standardisation, namely Metaverse and Quantum Technologies

  • DIGITAL SME is part of the Rolling Plan’s development, on behalf of Small Business Standards (SBS), voicing SMEs’ takes in standardisation

On March 6, the European Commission released the Rolling Plan for ICT Standardisation 2023, an annual document providing an overview of ICT standardisation in support of EU level policy.

The Rolling Plan 2023 addresses four thematic areas, supported by approximately 260 actions for ICT standardisation. These fields are:

  1. Key Enablers and Security 5G and beyond, Cloud and Edge Computing, Big Data, Open Data, and Public Sector Information, Internet of Things, Cybersecurity/Network and Information Security, Electronic Identification, AI and Quantum
  2. Societal Challenges E-health, Healthy living and Ageing, Education, Digital Skills and Digital Learning, Emergency Communications, Pandemic Preparedness
  3. Innovation for the Digital Single Market E-Procurement, E-Invoicing, Retail Payment, Metaverse
  4. Sustainable Growth Smart Grids and Smart Metering, ICT Environmental Impact, Digitisation of European Industry, Smart and Sustainable Cities and Communities

This edition has faced some structural redistributions. For instance:

  • Additions – chapters have been included, focusing on new technologies in urgent need of standardization, such as the case of Metaverse and Quantum Technologies
  • Extensions – pre-existent sections have been extended as the case of Pandemic Preparedness in relation to COVID-19
  • Divisions – the chapter on Education, Digital skills and Digital Learning has been split into two parts, one focusing on digital skills and the other on digital learning
  • Substantial modifications – the new section “Local Digital Twins” in the Smart and Sustainable Cities and Communities chapter, the updates on Cybersecurity, the revised actions in the Digitalising European Industry and in the 5G and Beyond

The Rolling Plan is developed by the European Commission and the Multi Stakeholder Platform on ICT Standardisation (MSP) – an advisory expert group on all matters related to European ICT standardisation. An MSP Task Force is charged with the responsibility of overseeing its development.

The MSP includes: EU and EFTA representatives, European and international standard developing organisations (e.g. CEN/CENELEC, ETSI, ISO, IEC), stakeholder organisations (e.g. SBS, AGE, ETUC, ANEC) and business associations.

DIGITAL SME is an active member of the MSP, including the MSP Task Force, representing the interests of SMEs in standardisation on behalf of Small Business Standards.