Data Governance Act: DIGITAL SME welcomes Commission’s proposal to strengthen data sharing in the EU
Data is a prerequisite for many digital business models, but many barriers to data (re-)use still exist. DIGITAL SME welcomes the framework proposed by the Data Governance Act as it can help to clear legal hurdles and simplify data access for SMEs.
The European Commission has published a Proposal for a regulation on European data governance (Data Governance Act) at the end of 2020. The Data Governance Act is currently being debated in the European Parliament. With the Data Governance Act, the EU Commission wants to create a framework that will allow Europe to become a leading data economy, especially for industrial data. The Data Governance Act is part of a wider European Data Strategy, which will be complemented by a Data Act that will govern access to data in business-to-business (B2B) relationships.
The Data Governance Act sets the ground for re-use in particular of public sector data and the sharing of personal and non-personal data. Here, the proposal aims at lowering transaction costs linked to B2B and customer-to-business (C2B) data sharing by implementing a framework for data intermediaries. Further, it introduces and promotes the notion of “Data altruism”: allowing data use by individuals or companies for the common good. The Act also plans for the creation of an expert group, the ‘European Data Innovation Board’ which will work on best practices by Member States’ authorities. Among other tasks, this Board will advise the Commission on the governance of cross-sectoral standardisation.
Data is a key ingredient for many digital business models and innovation. It is the basis for AI models and technologies. SMEs can provide innovative solutions based on data if they have access to it. The European DIGITAL SME Alliance, therefore, welcomes the European Commission’s proposal to strengthen data sharing in the EU. You can read more about our position on the proposal here.
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