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SBS 2017 conference reviews five-year impact on SMEs of European standardisation

Small Business Standards’ third annual conference coincides with the fifth anniversary of the EU Regulation 1025/2012 on European standardisation. Featuring key speakers from the public and private…

10 October – SBS annual conference: European Standardisation Regulation – 5 years on. What has changed for SMEs?

A more open, transparent, inclusive and better functioning standardisation system contributes to the competitiveness of SMEs as well as to the objectives of the Single Market. Small Business…

SBS trains SMEs on IPR-based standardisation

Standardisation is a way to make available new technologies and services, disclose and share innovation, where different companies can implement and contribute to an ecosystem. This is by definition…

Net Futures 2017: How to revolutionize the European cloud in 2 days?

Innovation is up in the cloud! Net Futures 2017 Conference (28th and 29th of June) is the proof! It will gather European innovators-users and providers of the ICT sector, policy makers and civil…

UNICORN – A novel framework for multi-cloud services development, orchestration, deployment and continuous management fostering cloud technogies uptake from digital SMEs and startups

UNICORN project meeting in Cyprus: another step to improve multi-cloud software for SMEs and startups

The UNICORN project, co-financed by the European Union under the Horizon2020 Research and Innovation programme, brings together leading European research/academic institutions, industries and SMEs in…

ECSO Cybersecurity WG4 “Support to SMEs, coordination with Countries and Regions” – 15 May, Rome

On 15th May in Rome, DIGITAL SME together with ECSO – the European Cyber-Security Organisation, organise an open meeting of ECSO Working Group 4 in Rome on “Cyber-Security – support to SMEs,…

EVENT – Forum on ICT standards for SMEs: e-invoicing and e-identification

SBS Forum on ICT standards for SMEs The “SBS Forum on ICT standards for SMEs” is a European platform for discussion and sharing of information about ongoing ICT standards activities that are relevant…

Digital SME’s proposals to unleash Data Economy taken up by the European Commission

As part of the EU Digital Single Market strategy, the European Commission adopted a Communication on “Building a European Data Economy” on 10 January 2017. The Commission’s initiative targets the…

EVENT: Forum on ICT standards for SMEs

How SMEs can make strategic use of standardisation: benefits of investing in standardisation and opportunities for new business models. CLICK TO REGISTER  Follow this event in live streaming The “SBS…

EVENT: “Digitisation and Industry 4.0: the role of SMEs in the transformation of Europe’s economy ”

Milan, October 26th 2016 (SMAU Exhibition: Studio TV) The initiative is an opportunity for micro enterprises and SMEs, as well as other stakeholders, to discuss and exchange existing practices and…

DIGITAL SME Paves the Way for Better Standardisation

European Commission and the European Digital SME Alliance sign the Joint Initiative on Standardisation. The president of the European DIGITAL SME Alliance, Oliver Grün, joined Commissioner Elżbieta…

ETSI workshop “From Research To Standardisation” on 10-11 May

On 10-11 May 2016 in its Headquarters in Sophia Antipolis, ETSI will organize a Workshop on the subject “From Research To Standardization” in the context of the H2020 program of the European…

CeBIT2016: Launch of the European Digital SME Alliance

CeBIT of Hannover hosts the launch event of the „European Digital SME Alliance“ President Dr. Oliver Grün presents 10 ideas to boost Europe’s digital economy Grün delivers the 10 ideas to Gerard de…

PIN-SME President Oliver Grün at the Franco-German Digital Conference in Paris

On October 27th 2015 Dr. Oliver Grün, president of PIN-SME, represented the German IT SME association, Bundesverband IT-Mittelstand eV (BITMI), at the Franco-German Digital Conference in Paris.…

E-leadership: how SMEs can benefit from the Digital Single Market

Brussels, 9 September 2015 – Oliver Grün, president of PIN-SME, participated in the EU experts round table about e-leadership skills for SMEs. He stressed that the Digital Single Market (DSM), as…